How To Export Data In MsSql

Today, I want to talk obout exporting data from MsSqlServer . You can do it in several ways.  I will explain the methods I use exporting the data. First way is by excel file. We will  open Sql Server Management Studio. Rght click to the database we export data from, then in the “Task” menu we choose the “import data”.

On the Choose a Data Source page, configure the following:

  • Data Source: Choose SQL Server Native Client 11.0 from the drop-down menu.
  • Server Name: Type the name of the SQL Server instance that contains the source data.
  • Authentication: Choose authentication mode for the data source connection.
  • Database: Choose the database that contains the source data.

Let’s click “Next” to go to the “Choose a Destination” page. On this page, configure the following:

  • Destination: Choose Microsoft Excel from the drop-down menu.
  • Excel File Path: Type in the Microsoft Excel worksheet operating system path.
  • Excel Version: Select the version of the Microsoft Excel worksheet.

If you get an error like ” the ‘microsoft.ace.oledb.15.0’ provider is not registered on the local machine.” you must install the excel driver from this link After that you are ready to get the data. You will choose the tables you want to export.  You should also have a look at my other post about Import Excel Data In MsSql

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1 Response

  1. March 9, 2019

    […] You can have a look at my other post about Export Data In MsSql […]

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