Category: MVC


How To Use C# List In Javascript

Today, I want to talk about using C# List in javascript. If you have an Asp.Net MVC Web App, you need to send a list of data from controller to your html page. Now...


When To Use Try-Catch In C#

Today, I want to talk about using try catch blocks in our projects. Most of all think that, using try-catch blocks in our code is a must. We use try catch mechanism in...


Can We Use C# Code In Javascript

Today, I want to mention about a problem I was ran into. I had to get a variable in my javascript code in my Asp.Net MVC web project. And I try to do it...


How To Use Morris.js Donut

Today, I want to talk about Morris.js Donut graph. This library has strong graphics. You can create stronger graphics with the help of this visual library.  We will prepare the html code first to use this...


How To Localize ITextSharp In C#

Today, I want to talk about ItextSharp component. This component is very popular in creating PDF files. I ran across to a problem while using it. The problem was my pdf file was not...


How To Open A DLL File

Today I want to talk about DLL files and how to open the DLL files. The Dynamic Link Library, or DLL file, is a mainstay of traditional Windows programming. These files are used by...


How To Convert A Jar File To DLL

Hi, today I want to talk about converting a Jar file to Dll file. So you can use it in your Asp.Net projects.  You can use IKVM for converting process of your jar files.  You...


Session Authorization And Expire In Asp.Net MVC

Today, I want to talk about Session operations in Mvc Projects. Every web projects needs a login page and authorization. When user logins the page, we want user to be logged again to...


How To Do Caching In Asp.Net MVC

  Today, I want to talk about how to do caching in Asp.Net MVC projects. Microsoft Asp.Net MVC framework has builtin support for caching mechanism. We will use this  with annotations OutputCache to our...


How To Do Logging In MVC

  Today, I want to talk about logging mechanism in We can do it in several ways. I use log4net to implement logging in my Mvc web projects. First, we must add Log4net...